Sunday, November 2, 2014


 We had fun in our neighborhood with our cousins dressing up!

They loved the whole going up to the door and our neighbors give you candy thing... :)

They were so adorable!

My little monkey was adorable and snuggley!

HA he looks so scared and vulnerable!

Obi-wan Kanobi was ready for battle!

When the tricker treaters came to our door we had this sign by the front door... we had a couple of people know what it was and some looked it up on their phones :)
One kid said, "When the Germans and Martin Luther King nailed a paper to the door of a church" another kid said, "When the Christians left the catholic church" :) hahahaha

They were so tired but had so much fun!!  I don't know if I've ever let them eat that much candy... Vale was just tasting everything!  Schafer looks petrified again... :)

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