Sunday, November 30, 2014

Family Photo Shoot

 So we had some family pictures taken but the adults were the only ones who looked happy... so when we got home I took some photos of the boys in our yard.

Connor's such a good kid!

He's a handsome fella...

Schafer kept trying to eat the leaves... 

This little guy was very photogenic this day!  I got so many good pics of him!

He's like a little model!

Such a darling.

Clear blues baby...

Jimmy and I look great... the boys look miserable... hahahaha whatever... :)
And this was BEFORE I took all the other pictures in our yard... sigh...

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving and Emery's Birthday

Gigi took us to Cracker Barrel, the boys LOVE cracker barrel!!! :)

Partly because she lets them pick out a toy... :)

Then on the morning of Thanksgiving some of us went and ran a race... ok some of us walked but others of us raced.

Connor did NOT want to be there... Mr. Attitude...

Aunt Cindy was there to try to make him feel better... it worked a little. 

 Someone was a little bit cold.

We got back to the house and the kids had fun passing the time together while they waited for food.

We had helpers to make sure things got done!

The table was set so very nicely!

This was the kids table... 

Doesn't that look festive and fantastic!

The food was absolutely delicious!!!

That evening we went to see fireworks over the inter coastal waterway.  It was so cold we just stayed in the car and let the kids sit on our laps and watch.

The next day we had an early birthday party for Emery!!

She was so sweet with her little gifts...

She was pretty excited!  She especially liked it when everyone sang happy birthday to her!

 Look at that happy little girl!

 We made her a turtle smash cake... :) it was cute!  She wasn't really sure what to do with it but she got it in her ear and up her nose... I'd say that was a success!

There were so many children running around this house!  It was awesome!
What a beautiful smile!

What a beautiful picture of Adelaide!!!  Such a sweet little girl!

We had such a good time with all of our family here!!! We are so blessed!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Shay's first haircut

So Shay was getting a bit scraggly... 

Frankly, he was becoming a little rag-a-muffin... cute, cuddly and sweet... but a rag-a-muffin...

So we decided to take him to the barber and get his hair cut.  He was not thrilled... 
Look at that expression, he was not amused.

It was my dad's barber so I had my dad hold him on his lap while the guy cut...

Yeah... he wasn't thrilled... 

... but he got a haircut and I even kept some of his hair!

He wasn't fond on the blow dryer either... 

 in the end he looked more like a little boy and less like a unwashed poodle...

We then gave him food and he was happy... 

Then a bottle and he was REALLY happy!

Then his daddy and he went right to sleep after his trying day :)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ode to sweet November

 I tell you what, I just wanna squeeze this kid all the time!

Vale got a balance bike for his birthday and he loves it... still getting used to it so it's slow going but he's gonna love it!

Connor's getting better at riding his bike... they are gonna be zippin' everywhere this spring!

Oh my goodness I laughed so hard at this picture!!! What in the world is up with their faces! 

So the boys got their Christmas present early from their Papa in Ohio and WOW was it a hit!!!

It was perfect timing cause they've still been able to play with it outside!

They love to play together and pretend so this was the perfect avenue for that!

They are so cute together!

 Then we got come visitors early for the holidays!!  The boys love them some Emery!!! (oh and uncle Trevor and Aunt Kati... :))

I love it that Emery and Schafer are so close in age!  And that Jimmy's so good and sweet with them! :)

Vale got a late birthday present from TKLove and it was a pair of much needed new sneakers!!! They have spiderman on them and he calls them his 'cool shoes' :)

My boys are soooooo blessed to have so many wonderful family around them that love them so much!!!