Friday, July 29, 2011

Connor loves Elmo!  He was so cute sitting in his big chair with Elmo by his side watching clips of Sesame Street!  HAHA

I use my other little camera to take pictures at the beach so the quality isn't as good... but I don't want to ruin my nice camera with moisture and sand!
 He loves to play in the surf... though sometimes it's a little rough for him and he face-plants...

So the monkey's newest adventure is oven hang-gliding... not something we condone and he gets punished every time he does it.
He opens the warming drawer at the bottom of the oven to use as a step, gets up and grabs onto the handle and then flings himself backward to 'float' to the floor... not cool Connor, not cool.

Of course he has to try and turn a burner or two on before he makes his epic decent... sigh... gotta love boys!

He makes me laugh so much!


I love this picture of father and son.

Connor giving me a speech from Courtney Mahon on Vimeo.

Sorry this is sideways but I can't figure out how to turn it.

Not sure what he's talking about but he's sure animated! I think he's telling me how much better batman is than spiderman but then again he could be telling me my cooking stinks...   The growling with the head twitch is new... not sure why he does that but he only does it when he's 'yelling' at you... hahahaha

He's such a little personality!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Connor's new happenings

I am sorry it's been a while... :)
With the accident, Canada and traveling we've been pretty busy!

Connor is now sleeping in a big boy bed!!! :)  We had a bit of a meltdown every time we put him in the crib.  Not sure what brought it on but he was fine if we just put him in a bed... so well, it will be easier for us to give Vale the crib if Connor's in a big boy bed!

We dedicated Connor at church in June.  It was more of a charge to the parents and a promise that we will raise him in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4).  He is a sweet little boy and we just pray that the Lord will give us wisdom on how to raise him properly.

Our little peanut is still under 20lbs (19.8)!!!  He's 28" tall and running around like a crazy man!
He loves to climb on everything and finds new places to hide EVERYTHING!

He's communicating a lot more saying a whole bunch of words including: please, thank you, elmo, mama, dada, doggy, go, all done, no, uh huh, etc...
He's very expressive and communicates well even if he doesn't know how to verbalize what he wants.

Little man loved the beach and the water!!  He was tentative at first but now he just runs head first into the water, no fear!  AH!

He likes to pull everything out of the cupboards and make lots of noise!

He has no problem getting dirty.

He is such a sweet little boy.  He's going to love having a little bother to play with!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Photos of Vale!

We think this baby looks more like me!!! YEAH!!! :)
We had another ultra sound since this one and he is a little CHUB!!!

He has very chubby cheeks, fat little legs and in this ultra sound the tech said that his belly is in the 80th percentile!  AHHH  Not what a mother who has yet to give birth wants to hear! :)

I was in a car accident on July 14th where an 18 year old kid ran a red light and hit me going about 50mph.  I was ok, just bumps and bruises but I felt the baby hit by right side and then hit my left side.  Vale didn't move for about an hour and we were soooo excited when he started moving (which wasn't until he heard his daddy's voice).
We've had a stress test, been checked and had an ultra sound and from what we can see as of right now, the baby is ok.  We are praying that when he is born there are no residual effects from trauma in the womb.
I had labor contractions on Wednesday and Thursday of last week which ended up in a trip to Labor & Delivery.  They checked the baby and everything was ok.  They stopped on their own without them having to give me any medication which was wonderful.  Thank you for everyone who was praying!
God must have big plans for this kid, he's been through a lot.