Friday, June 17, 2011

I finally got my camera back!! YEAH!

Here is a spattering of pictures of the little one...
(it was really cute... after he 'killed' dad he needed to go hug him... :))

He's like 'Aww mom!!! Can't you see I'm in the tub!'

We were at a chicken and waffles night at my church and I look down and Connor is gnawing on the chicken bone from the leg!

My sweet water baby!  We've been to the pool and the ocean... he's gonna be used to water by the end of this summer for sure!

Jimmy put sunscreen in his hair and he looked like a rock star! :)  It cracks me up that all these bathing suits are too big!

Nona got Connor some bubbles and he was loving them!

He's so sweet.

He's turning into a blonde! :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cutest Kid Ever!

Connor Sword Fighting Dad from Courtney Mahon on Vimeo.

So Connor put his 'helmet' on himself, drew his sword and wanted to battle! :)  We did not initiate any of this.  In fact, in the past whenever we try to put a hat on him he takes it off!  He had this stick earlier in the day and was using it as a hockey stick to hit at the balls on the floor... then all of a sudden he wanted to duel with Jimmy! :)  Too funny and too cute! :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

PKD Walk in October!

Guys I'm really excited!!!  We are going to participate in the PKD walk October 22nd at the Rose Bowl in L.A.!  Ok, maybe I won't be able to walk the 3 miles because I'll be 13 days away from my due date but I will be there and I'm gonna try!!

Connor, Jimmy and I have already signed up and we have made our own team!!! :)  My parents are going to try to be there too!  We can make up fun t-shirts and have a good time!!! :)

The purpose of the walk is to raise money soooo I might be sending you guys an email to see if you can donate anything at all towards PKD research.  I would love to know more things that we can do for Connor and Jimmy to prolong the life of their kidneys and it would be WONDERFUL if they were to find a way that Connor is able to keep his kidneys when he is older.

I was doing research and I found this quote:
                "Polycystic kidney disease is one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases, affecting more people than Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and sickle cell anemia - combined. Currently there is no treatment and no cure."
I was shocked!  You would think there would be more research and stuff done about it!  I guess people don't care about their medical issues until they start to bother them in their 40's and fail in their 50's.  I guess people just expect to have medical problems at that age but I don't.  I don't see any reason why we should not aggressively be trying to find a cure for this huge and looming problem.