Friday, September 19, 2014

Adjusting to the East

 September has been the month of adjustment and change!

My boys are learning to play all together and it's really cute!  They love to include baby Schafer!

Sometimes I have to remind him to not include him AS much... :)

He is so precious though!! He finally got a REAL bath in a REAL tub!!  He's had showers and sink baths and I dipped him in one time with the boys in CA but he finally got a real fun, splash in water bath. :)

This whole taking selfies thing is hard work!

I can't even tell you how excited Vale was to become a Puggle.  It's the Awana for the 2 year olds... it's too cute!

We were in desperate need of some haircuts!!  I mean they even look happier after!!! 

 He looks so OLD! :-/

 Vale finally got is own 'horse' so he can ride with Connor on the wahoo...

At Awana they had super-hero night... we had spider-man, batman and robin... I personally think robin stole the show... :)

California never had rain... North Carolina had buckets of it.  They love it!!  Boots and Brella's all day! :)

 Vale's become quite the helper and loves to help mommy take care of baby Schafer!

It's a little fuzzy but I do love my baby!

 This has been a large adjustment for this mama!  Three's a little harder to take to the store!!  And much louder! Oh well!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

East Palestine 2014

We got a chance to visit East Palestine, where Jimmy grew up, on our way back from Canada.
Jimmy got to see all of his family!!

The boys got to go over to Jimmy's sister's house and see the chickens and rooster that she's got... they loved it!!! Connor is taunting the rooster now that it's on the other side of the wire... he wasn't so bold when it was out!

Connor loved the soft feathers!

Vale just wanted them to come out so he could chase them!

Yup... there he goes... my little chicken chaser!

The boys got to go into the garden and pick some fresh veggies!  Again, they loved it!

Group photo! :)

We have a picture, back in the archives somewhere, of this same dog licking Vale in the face when he was about 7 months old :)

We then had taco night with papa which was FANTASTIC! :)

We got to spend some time with Grandpa Bernie at the park and got a photo of all the Mahon men!!

We also got to hang out with the Figleys, enjoying good company and the pool!

The boys had a blast!

And they got to meet their cousin Colton who they'd never seen!

Jimmy and Pat showin off their babies! :)

We had such a good time and were so blessed to be able to stay with Jimmy's dad for 4 days! We miss him and wish we could see him more often!