Thursday, March 24, 2011

Newest Connor News...

My sweet baby is so happy!
I was tickling him.

Then He wanted to come and see mommy... he literally hit his head on the lens...

He's such a sweet darling boy.

This Connor's newest thing... well I guess it's two things... 
1. He stands on his own and is taking a couple steps at a time.
2. He likes to look at you and all of a sudden make this face... not sure what he's trying to communicate but it makes him smile!

This is Connor in his NEW highchair!  

He chowin down on some toast :)
 Like I said above... he's such a sweet baby!

 This is Connor helping(?) daddy put together his highchair.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sorry for the post delay!

Ok so I just had to post 3 old posts that have been just sitting on my list waiting!

I had to buy more memory cause I post too many pictures :)

It shouldn't have taken a month to do but alas I am busy and life is crazy... sorry!

Enjoy now though!

I have some video's I have to upload and post of the last couple months that are darling!

Thanks for your patience!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The wee one is 11 months!

Soooo my baby is only a month away from his first year!!

Some things that have happened this past month...

He started his first tooth bud!  That's right... 10 and a half months and my baby is finally teething!!!
Cause teething also comes with this...

 There were some other firsts too!
 He colored for the first time. :)

He wrestled with his 'little' bruiser cousin brennan and got tackled... sigh...
 But they were buds :)

Life these days is all about food for Connor and from what I've heard that doesn't change with boys... 
He LOVES these baby food pouches and well so does mommy cause they are quick, easy and mess free!
He's great at eating on his own!
(you can also see, he's still small enough to fit in the bumbo and wear size 3-6 month clothes... sigh...)
 He loves to play the cheerio game where we put cheerio's all around the coffee table and he walks around to eat them... it's a good 15 minutes of quiet entertainment!  YES!
He eats nearly EVERYTHING... he points to whatever your eating and says 'nay nay nay' which means 'I want some'. :)
 Some of his favorite foods are strawberries, scrambled eggs, pasta with tomato sauce, pizza crust, cheerios, pita chips, bananas, and all types of raw veggies.  This kid's gonna be a hoover like his daddy :)

My sweet baby is getting too old too fast!