Thursday, October 30, 2014

Quick Trip to SC and other shanannagans

 So my dad had to go down to SC for business, just for one day, so we decided to hop in the car and go with him to see Jimmy's grandpa!!

Grandpa Allen got to meet baby Schafer ALLEN Mahon! :)

And the boys had fun exploring the property behind their house!

They found all sorts of fun things!

 They got to play on toys that Jimmy played on when he was a boy!

And Grandma Jette helped them figure out how to use it.

Vale is always a character... sometimes more than others... sigh... Daddy was NOT impressed... 

Again, the token picture of Baby Shay... this kid's just always happy... 

My three little dapper men... :)

We took all three boys bowling for the first time together! 
(kids aren't allowed to bowl in L.A. county... LAME!)
They had a blast!

Vale would rejoice every time he knocked down any pins... 

This is a face of pure joy and excitement!

They wanted to touch EVERYTHING and run around everywhere... but for the most part, they were very good and enjoyed it.

Yeah... they wanted to wear a cape while bowling... whatever... 

Connor was actually really good at it and took it very seriously :)

... and it's off!

They also very much enjoyed the bowling alley food... yuck. But they were happy!

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