Thursday, August 27, 2015

Connor has pneumonia...

Connor goes to what's called a university model classical school which means that he only attends class two days a week, for a full day, then does all his practice work and homework on home the other days.  So the first day of 'homeschool' went GREAT!

He loved it!  I kept asking him if he wanted to take a break and he was like 'no, lets do the next thing!'

This was also the start of school for pre-school for Vale.  On the days that Connor has school at home, so will Vale.  He wasn't as thrilled with it but he'll do it if Connor does. :)

I am also attempting to start the boys learning french.  On school days if they want to watch TV, it has to be in french.  Surprisingly, they are ok with that... 

Sometimes the baby feels left out... he just needs some daddy snuggles to make him feel like he belongs in this new school environment. 

Well all was going well until Connor got a fever on the first Thursday of school... 
It would go away and then come back a couple hours later.  He didn't end up going to church and I was on the fence, cause he was acting normal, but because of the fever I didn't let him go to school on monday and we took him to the doc.  She checked for a UTI or ear infection and he had neither.  
We figured it was a virus and thought we'd wait it out.  She said if he still had a fever on Wednesday at all to come back in. 

 Knowing that Connor was sick the wonderful ladies in our church showered us with love bringing toys and books for Connor and a meal for our family.  We love our church so much!

He missed school again on Wednesday because Tuesday afternoon he started throwing up!  He threw up in the afternoon then was fine and hungry, behaving like normal.  Then after dinner he got lethargic and that night threw up again in the middle of the night.  Wednesday he was below 100 all day so I was like phew we are good!  But then again, Wednesday night it went back up to 101.5.  :-( 

I took him back to the doc on Thursday and they did a chest x-ray and before I even left the radiology center the doctor called me and was like he has left lower lobe pneumonia, he needs an antibiotic.  Well there you go!  Guess he was sick! He's such a tough little cookie it's hard to tell when he's ill.  He never complained about anything!

On a different note... I decided to dye my hair since I was cooped up in the house for over a week... :)
I got bangs, chopped off a couple inches and turned it red! 

I like it, Jimmy likes it... who knows how long I'll keep it but for now I'm rockin it. :)

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