Our littlest Mahon is doing well! He's growing and developing like a champ!
He has slept for almost 8 hours at night 4 times already!
His belly button cord fell off after 11 days.
He's great at holding up his head.
Poor little guy has dry skin but HATES getting lotion put on him... :-(
He doesn't like it when he has a dirty diaper, pee or poop.
Very content in general unless he's gassy.
He's already pooped on one of our friends (sorry Marie...)
absolutely adores watching his brothers! He turns his head to follow
their voices and gets upset if he's left alone in a room with no
Vale just had his 2 year old check up and he's doing great!
He was 27lbs, 35" long and 19.5 head circumference.
He's such a sweet boy with a tender heart, he loves to help other!
He had to have shots and it was traumatic for him :( He had a nightmare that night about it screaming, "No shots!!" and he's been showing me his boo boos for days...
This kid has the hugest sweet tooth and would eat candy, cake and cookies all day if you let him. sigh.
This kid is a jumping machine, be it off the couch or hopping around the floor he's endless energy and tons of 'hops'. He's also fearless... the kids gonna kill himself jumping off of something before I'm able to stop him... sigh... pray for him... and me...
He loves to sing all kinds of songs and he learns them quickly and sings the tune very well! His favorites right now are Only a boy named David, Amazing Grace and the Awana Cubbie's Song.
He has a very keen ear for any kind of sound and is constantly saying, 'What's the sound??'
He loves baby Schafer and likes to call him Baby Shay Shay. :)
He LOVES to go to church and gets really excited and jumps around saying 'I go to church to see my friends!!!!!' :)
He refers to himself as: Vale Pale which I think it's awesome! :)
Connor is 37" tall and 30lbs! Which puts him in the 2% for height and 9% for weight! Whewww whoo!
He can write his name on his papers now at church which makes him very excited!
He's only 3 and I'm already getting the hard theological questions thrown at me! He asked me the other day, "Why doesn't Jesus just kill Satan now and make sin go away? Does Jesus like sin?!" 'ummm... welp son... no Jesus hates sin but he has a plan and we have to trust that he knows what's best. He wants us to be able to choose to glorify him instead of sinning.' He seemed ok with that answer for now... Lord give me wisdom!
very bright and gets concepts that just astound me, I told him that we
were going to see GG later that day and then when we were about to leave
I told him we were going to Aunt Michelle's house. He said, 'I thought
we were gonna see GG??' I told him we were and he said, 'oh GG must be
at Aunt Michelle's house'. And he's 3!!! sigh...
so good with baby Schafer! He feeds him and gets his clothes &
diapers. He talks so sweetly to him and can get him to stop crying when
mommy is busy or we are in the car. I am very fortunate to have such a
good helper!!
Connor is into doing
'shows' for me. He likes to show me cool tricks or do an impromptu play
which, lets be honest, are sometimes painfully long and drawn out but
for the most part are very creative and I am excited to see how that
develops as he grows!
When I told
Connor that hopefully we'll be able to go to Grandma's house soon he
said, 'That's the one by the pool and the beach right?'... we haven't
been there since June... this kid has a crazy memory!
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