Friday, June 25, 2010

Weekend of Matt and Megan's Wedding

So we went down to Matt and Megan's wedding and saw a whole bunch of family! :)

My little buddy is a good traveler... lets hope he stays that way for our jaunt across country!

It was a really pretty drive down

Connor with his grandma at the rehearsal dinner

Family photo (the garden they were married in was BEAUTIFUL)

So my little bean slept most of the wedding, he was a good boy! (notice this was the outfit he had his newborn pics taken in at the hospital... fits a little differently now!)

Uncle Jim and Aunt Polly, awww... they're so cute! :)

So little Cass was obsessed with these mints... I think she must have eaten 40

Grandpa Allen and Grandma Gette

You may kiss the bride... TAH DAH! :)

Although the wedding was outside in the SWELTERING heat the reception was in a banquet hall

The smiley newly weds

I get the impression they like each other... just a hunch...

Grandpa Allen and Nick

Grandma Cass aka 'Nona', Jimmy and baby Connor

Four generations!  Yikes! :)

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