Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting excited for baby!

So the baby has dropped and I'm just waiting... I have lots of brackston hicks contractions which are not painful at all just a little uncomfortable if I'm trying to bend over :). In the last two days my ankles have swollen up severly and they look like Jimmy Dean Sausage tubes.

I got my last ultra sound done yesterday and they said everything looks good and normal. The baby's head is burried down deep in my pelvis and the tech said he's not movin' before he comes out. She was poking him to get him to move his hands and he did NOT like that, his little lips came out and he was pouting, the more she jiggled him the deeper the pout. :) He's gonna have attitude! It could be two weeks, four weeks or even six if they will let me go that long but we will see. I'm just really excited to meet him.

I'm slowly working on the nursery and he's got a place to sleep so that's good. I'll put some pictures up soon so you can see where the little guy will call home for a while. :)

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