Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter Pictures

 Easter morning started out with the boys finding their Easter baskets and Vale running around the house screaming, "He's ALIVE"!! :) As sweet as that is, I'm not sure that our neighbors appreciated it... :-/
 My boys have such an endearing way of obnoxiously announcing the truth...

Of course, I went completely over board on the baskets but I have fun doing it and they love it.

Vale's was hidden by the door and he found it in about 3 minutes.

Connor's was a little bit more challenging, stashed in the cupboard and daddy had to give some direction after he got a little frustrated... :)

It appears it was worth the wait though!

I then dressed them for church which is always a challenge with sugar coursing through their little veins... 

This one was easy.  Out. Cold.

Sweet boys at church...

I really love how much they love each other. It  makes my heart happy.

Yup, best pic I could get of all three... sigh... 

After church, we had an Easter egg hunt at the Gregory's house.
They pretty much loved it. :)
Thanks to Uncle Will and Amelia for hiding the 43,674 eggs! :)

I forgot their baskets but they were ok with just using bags!

HA! Emma's like, 'Did you guys know these have jelly beans in them?  That. Is. Amazing." :)

Uncle Brett and Baby Schafer had some bonding time.

It took him probably 3 minutes to find this egg... with us pointing at it. :) HAHAHA I love children!

He found this one though!

Connor was in like hyper speed.  He collected at least twice as many eggs as all the other kids.  He wouldn't stop to take a picture so here's the best I got. :)

Our boys are studs... lets just face it. 

'Move over swing, I'm coming through!'

Vale resorted to collecting rocks in that yellow little bucket and putting them in his bag... sigh... boys will be boys I suppose.

A good time was had by all and then we took daddy Easter dinner at work so we could spend the rest of the day together! :)

I got a couple of photos on my phone but they are mostly blurry...

Kids won't stand still!

(I think he's got something living in his hair... it looks like a nest...)

They are sweet boys.

Through all the hub-bub, candy, eggs and cute outfits we actually had a wonderful time in the morning celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I love that both of my boys told me their stories from nursery and it was the same, but slightly different comprehension levels of the resurrection. Vale kept saying, 'Jesus died on the cross for my sin, and the big stone was rolled away and he's ALIVE!!' :)  Connor's was a little more in-dept with a tomb, the angel, Jesus' friends, etc... I am so glad that I can freely worship my Risen Savior on this wonderful holiday!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Family Night!

Daddy's been super busy lately wrapping up the semester so we haven't seen a whole lot of him.
We had a family night before Easter and the boys loved it!!!

They had a whole list of things they wanted to do with daddy!
It's great cause they are toddlers so every even only lasts for like 5 minutes and they are completely content with that so you can do everything!

Connor wanted to play guitar with daddy...

Even though daddy doesn't really play guitar... they still had fun! :)

Then they played animals, went fishing, played with action figures and sword fought.

Then we colored eggs!!

They did a great job and had a lot of fun!!

To top off the night, we got in our PJ's and turned off all the lights, used glowsticks and played hide and go seek in the dark!

The teams were Mommy, Connor and Schafer (totally unfair for us cause S doesn't know how to be quiet...)

And Daddy and Vale.

They had so much fun.  They keep asking when we are going to do family night again! :)  I love having boys and FUN kids! :)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cute things my kids say...

Vale can't say magnet correctly so he keeps telling people that we have maggots under our fridge... ugh!

We've been talking about yoga pants recently, just for odd reasons... and today, randomly in the car Connor asked me why someone would wear yogurt pants? :)

So Connor was calling for help in the other room so I ran in to find he and Vale were just playing. I told him not to yell for help unless he was really in trouble and told him the story of the boy who cried wolf. He liked the story and listened well and at the end I asked him 'so now do you understand why you shouldn't cry for help if your not in trouble? You don't want to actually NEED my help and I not come because I think your playing." He replies, "I think maybe you should come ever time I call for help 'cause I am only three you know?"... uuuhhh... yup you're prob right. Pretty sure he missed the point of the story...

Monday, April 14, 2014

My three boys!

So for Connor's actual birthday, the 13th, the boys were totally dressed like studs at church!

This is by far my favorite picture of the three boys so far!
I was tickling them and Connor and Vale are loving it... Schafer is like 'I think I missed something... is this fun?'

I want to see a picture again like this when they are teens :)

They were so cute in their bow ties.

He's such a sweet boy!!  He looked like such a little stud at church for his birthday.  They even sang to him in his class! :)

Baby Schafer looks like Jack Jack from the Incredibles in this picture. :) Cute as cute gets!

 So the boys were playing over by this tree and I was taking pictures of Schafer in the grass, well two dogs came by, leashed, and friendly but both boys had their eyes on those dogs!  If they came near baby Schafer they were gonna get them! :) haha they are so protective of their brother! It's adorable.

Connor was showing me his gentleman's stance... hahaha I have no idea where this kid gets this stuff!

Connor was chasing Vale as the tickle monster.

They look like they belong in 1890... :)

He told me this was his guard post.  Ain't nobody getting into our house! :)

They get along so well!

And they are so handsome!  I am blessed!

What a joy to have happy kids!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Connor's 4th Birthday Party

Connor had a little family birthday party on Saturday.
But family ends up being like 25 people... sigh... we are so blessed!

We even had two happy babies!

:) He totally looks like Winston Churchill...

The boys love to be outside and play... they have a recent fascination with bugs which, being boys, I'm assuming won't go away soon... 

Connor played cornhole and did well! :)  He's a sweet little guy!  4 years old! Wow... it's flown by!

Schafer was all decked out for the party... oh yeah... he's a party animal. 

Sweet Emma had fun playing in the grass and stealing bits of cupcake from the table when she could :)

Charity loved the wagon!  It was like a new accessory :)

Connor was shooting the bad guys... 

 ... as were Link and Vale.

 I don't think this picture needs any comment... next.

It was really windy even though it was sunny.  The plan was to do some fun with water but it was too cold.
The babies just wanted to be snuggled... good thing they had lots of ladies around to do that!

Connor's not a HUGE cake fan so grandma made him a rice crispy treat horse. :)

We had kool-aide and lemonade, Connor's favorites.

He wanted mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, fruit and chips.  So that's what we had!

Connor LOVES to eat fruit... he probably would have eaten this whole platter by himself if I let him. 
I should just leave fruit out on the table to him to graze off of... 

I made these cupcakes, even though he's not a big fan of cake he like icing!! 
So these ones have chocolate hazelnut butter cream frosting.

And these ones have vanilla caramel butter cream frosting.

 Yeah he blew out his candle, which was difficult cause of the wind...

... ate about half the icing and discarded the rest.

Then we played, pin the mustache on the Cowboy Connor.

Most of the kids actually did really well with being blind folded, I was surprised.

We spun them around as many times as their age, so Connor got 4 spins :)

All the kids got it on the poster... so that's at least good!

We had a lot of really bushy eyebrows... :)

Vale did a good job too!

The kids loved it!  It turned out really well!  Big thanks to my Uncle Tim for putting this together for me last minute!  Good job! :)

Connor then got to open a HUGE pile of presents!  We have such a generous and loving family!

Happy Birthday my little man!!