Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pirates and Princesses

 So we went to see Disney's Pirates and Princesses Show in Hollywood tonight and the boys loved it!!

They both had their swords and bags of money (gold dabloons as they call them...)

Connor wanted to look like Jake from the Neverland Pirates so I did the best I could with a homemade costume :)  As we were pulling out of the driveway he said, 'Do you think anyone will call me Jake?!?!' :) He's such a sweet kid... :)

We got there a little early and had a snack and took potty breaks... Someone asked us if we were dressed up for halloween... ummm it's september... :)
(I love Vale's 'smee' potbelly...)

Connor was totally enraptured by the performance!  Vale too!  They sat in awe the entire hour and a half!  It was crazy!!!

Vale decided to strut his stuff during intermission... he kept asking where the pirates were during the first half that was about princess sophia... hahaha they were like WHO?? :)

Our seats weren't bad!  They boys could see pretty well and like I said, they loved it!

Connor asked during intermission, 'So am I going to be in the show?' I said 'No I don't think so buddy?' to which he responded 'Then why am I dressed like a pirate???' hahaha ummm shut up, turn around and smile kid... :)  No, I just told him it's fun to dress up like the people on stage! I don't think he really got it...

After the performance we were headed back to the car and wanted to get some photos... 

Oh. My.
Connor's daddy's not gonna like this picture!!  Vale's already like 'are you kidding me guys?!  Seriously I'm sitting right here!'
I think Connor misunderstood the title of the show... It wasn't Pirate's Kiss Princesses... sigh...

Yeah... then he's like, 'did you see that... yup I got game...'

 Vale's just happy to have made it out alive with all those pirates running around and that crock that was after captian hook!  That really worried him! :)

Both my boys had a blast!!! It was a great time!

My little pirates :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Beach day!

So Monday we went down to Manhattan Beach for the day!

The boys had a great time playing in the sand... as always.

Then we went to get some FroYo...

We then went and saw where my cousin Aaron works and it was really cool!  I wish I'd gotten pictures of that but it's a little tacky to take pictures at your family's workplace... :)

The kids then went home and took a bath... they loved the huge tub.

We met up with Trev and Kati and went to a big italian dinner!  The kids were a little worn out...

They had enough energy to be crawling around under the tables though... lovely...

Connor was lovin' on his cousin!

Yeah they needed to be thoroughly cleaned again after the restaurant... yuck...

We had a great time with the Kaplan family!! :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Apple Picking

 So we went apple picking today about 50 minutes north of us... it was a great time!

I'm really glad we brought the wagon because by the end, kids were tired and we had buckets of fruit!

Jimmy helping Connor get the good peaches from the top of the tree!

They said we were welcome to taste the fruit and boy did my boys ever 'taste' some fruit!

They really loved it!!

The fruit was literally oozing with sweet, sugary goodness!

The trees were really low so it was easy for the boys to pick fruit too!

My adorable niece Abby sharing an apple! :)

She kept asking her daddy, 'bad?', since some of them had holes and rotten places.  It was so cute! :)

Yeah my boys were straight up fruit feasting... 

We brought our buckets back and got our fruit weighed and paid for it... they should have weighed the kids before we started then after... hahahaha it'd probably have doubled the price.

The Kaplan family enjoying the hammock in the picnic area... Abby looks too cool for school! :)

The kids eating their lunches... these 5 polished off that entire can of Pringles... we still had some carrots left... imagine that... :)

Trying to get all 4 boys in the hammock at one time... yeah it lasted like 10 seconds... 

Connor and Jakob are buds.. they've had some much fun together these last couple of days! :)

HA guess it was nap time... Vale was thinking bout dumping them out I know it... :)

Had to get a quick shot of me on the way out since I took all the pics there was no photo evidence I was there at all!!! 

We had a great time!  I can't wait to make an apple pie!!! Yummmmmm.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Just keep truckin'...

 So we went to a friends house today for a playdate and there was a big 'tractor' there clearing some land!

The boys were enjoying just watching the tractor...

 ... but then they actually got to sit in the drivers seat!!  That really got them excited!

Vale kept saying 'Up! Up!' :)

 Then the boys played with trucks, dirt and other 'boy' things the rest of the morning! :)

There they go!!

I think one of the sweetest things about it was the boys telling daddy about it at dinner!  They were excited all over again!!! :)  Vale just kept yelling, 'Up! Up!' over top of Connor to try and get a word in edgewise! :)

My boys are such snugglers!  I absolutely love it and am blessed beyond belief!

Connor's face is hilarious in this picture!  Christian, the main character, is going through the Valley of the Shadow of Death in this part and Connor was asking what the demon's around him were and Jimmy was explaining what a demon was. HAHAHA  He's like WHAT??!!??!  

:) Another day in the life... :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Every day matters, persevering through the fatigue

Just thought I would share some of the things that I find very important to teach my children everyday.
I guess I'm writing it down to remind myself how important this is and to just keep going though I feel at the moment like giving up and it's totally ineffective.  One day there will be fruit and I need to trust that God will do His job and I need to do mine.  This is like a pep-talk/reminder to myself and I figured I'd share so you can keep me accountable.

1. Connor just said to me today that if someone is mean to him and hurts his feelings he will put them in a cage!!!  I kindly reminded him that that's not what we do in this house.  If someone is mean or unkind to him, the Mahon house will be loving to them anyway.  It is not our job to punish someone elses' sin.  We try to be like Christ in our house and Jesus loves you no matter how many times you are unkind to and disobey Him.  You are responsible for you, your actions and your attitudes, NOT the behavior of others.  Their wrong doing can not and will not constitute wrong behavior on your part, at least not in this house!

2. We are teaching our sons how to sit still and when we do our family devotions, they have to pick a spot (on the couch, in a chair, on the floor, in a laundry basket, under the table...), wherever it is, they have to stay there while daddy reads a short story.  I don't think they really hear the story and it is such a struggle to get them to remember to stay seated and not talk while daddy is talking but I keep telling myself that this is good and when they are 5 & 6 and able to sit still and silent while we read devo's and they can actually absorb them, it will be worth it.  People say that they are little and can't sit still and quiet for 10 minutes but that is just wrong.  They can sit utterly still and quiet for a 30 minute winnie the pooh video... so they are not incapable, they just lack desire.  Well, they will learn to control that.

3. I love that my boys want to help me!  They get joy from helping!  But lets face it, at 1 and 3 they are totally in the way when I am trying to clean the kitchen or fold laundry!  I find myself in a hurry to do a lot of things these days and cleaning tends to be one of the whirl wind things that I like to do as fast as possible.  I've had to lately really remind myself that there are more important things than being able to finish the dishes before we need to leave for somewhere.  Yes it's annoying to have to come home and clean 'old' dishes but it's more important for me to train my sons that helping mommy is WANTED and NEEDED and a delight.  I tell you what, when they are 14 & 15 and getting up from dinner and headed straight in to do the dishes without being asked, I will be VERY grateful that I took the time to train them right.

4. As much as I think my children are the cutest and most adorable things ever I've been trying to remind myself that I don't want them to find their identity or approval in the fact that they are cute.  I try to compliment them on things that I want them to strive to achieve and work to do better.  Let's face it, an 8 year old boy that's trying to be 'cute' is just kind of annoying.  Now an 8 year old child who's trying to be kind and respectful is awesome!  I try to cuddle Connor and give him affection while telling him what a sweet boy he is and tell him how proud I am of him for being respectful and kind to his teachers and grandmas.  Those are the things I want him to strive to do in order to gain approval, not be hansom, cute or funny (although he is those things anyway :)).

5. When I compliment my boys on their achievements (i.e. you're so smart! you can run fast! you are strong! good job coloring!) I try to remind them that those are physical gifts that they have been given from the Lord.  I will compliment them and then ask them how they were able to be that smart/strong/fast/artistic.  I am trying to train them to realize that those are abilities that they have because the Lord gave them that ability!  I try to remind them that 'God gave you a good brain and made you very smart!' or 'God gave you some strong arms!' or 'God made your legs pretty fast didn't He!?' or 'You are so blessed that God gave you so much creativity!'  I have to remind myself that self-esteem is a secular concept that has you find your worth in yourself, but lets face it, we are imperfect and we will let ourselves down and not be good enough for something eventually.  If their foundation and sense of worth come from God and what He has created them to be, there is no flaw or let down.  They are perfectly the way that God created them to be.  If God didn't make you athletic, that's ok, He has another purpose for you.  If you aren't a good public speaker, that's ok, God has another purpose for you.  I really want them to see, as they grow up, that the abilities they have and the ones they don't have are divinely orchestrated by God for His purposes.

6. It's important to me that my boys see that a relationship with Christ isn't just something that we do every now and then.  I want to be the same person in church and with my church friends as I am when I'm at home or with secular friends.  I want to be adhering to the instruction I'm giving them to be kind, be unselfish, and be respectful.  I need to be the model of 'thinking of others' before I think about myself, of sharing and giving even when I don't want to.  Yes it's VERY annoying when I have a cup of juice and they want a sip and I know that the backwash will be flowing... but how am I suppose to tell them they have to share with their brother when I am hording my things from the children.  Sigh... if I can't share, I shouldn't have it.   I'm not saying I have to give them sips of my coffee... but when it's something that I don't want to share for selfish purposes I need to either let go of my selfishness and be an example or abstain.

7. I need to make sure that I am putting their father first.  The best thing I can do for my boys is love their daddy.  I need to make sure that I am showing him that I love him more than our off-spring.  I need to make an effort to show him I'm glad he's home when he walks in the door, I need to make it a priority to listen to his voice above theirs, I need to model the respect I want them to have for him.  I can't promise my boys that they will always have a physically stable life, they/we could go through a lot, I don't know, but I CAN promise them that I will always love their father and they do not have to be concerned about that.  In today's society riddled with divorce, it's a very real thing for the household to be unstable, I will not do that to my children.  They also need to know that I am a woman of my word.  I have made a commitment and covenant to their father and I will keep that.  I want to model and be the kind of woman that I would want them to marry someday.  Love is a choice and I need to choose daily to love him first in our family.

8. I want my boys to know that they are prayed for.  We have made it a part of their bedtime routine to pray for them for about 5 to 7 minutes.  We pray that they will be men of character, integrity and purity.  We pray fervently for their salvation.  That they will realize that they are sinners and need a savior and that the only hope they have for eternal life in heaven is through Jesus Christ.  I pray that the Holy Spirit will draw them to himself at an early age and that they will grow in the Lord and their desire for him.  I pray that they will understand the certainty of perfect forgiving love and that they will be men after God's own heart.  We pray that they will learn to obey their mommy and daddy and honor their father and mother.  I pray for their future wives and children.  I don't pray that the Lord would keep tough times from their lives but I do pray that when hard times come, they would be drawn closer to the Lord and their faith would be made stronger.  We pray for health and provision for our boys and that the Lord would keep them pure and they grow.  I want them to understand that we rely on the Lord for these things and trust Him to give them to us/them.

9. I want our boys to be grateful and not have a sense of entitlement that we find so frequently in our society.  Yes I absolutely want the best for my children!  I love to make them happy!  I love to bring a smile to their face and never want to see them cry but at what cost?  When my son has a bad attitude because he can't play on my phone should I just give it to him?  Absolutely not.  I try so hard not to reward bad behavior and tantrums but it is exhausting.  I think they know when I'm run down and that's when they like to push and pitch fits.  I have to, have to, have to push through the exhaustion though and stand firm, instructing and correcting, lovingly.  I can't allow them to think that an emotional melt down will get them good things.  I can't teach them that if they whine and complain enough they will get their way.  I can't passively instruct them to take advantage of people (mommy) who are tired and weak and bully them into compliance.  If they are going to complain about their toys or their snack, they can lose it.  They are not harmed by being deprived of something non-essential.  I also don't want to reward bad behavior with a bribe (i.e. if you stop crying we'll get some ice cream).  That just teaches them that those behaviors get them good things... not in my house!  The only thing that rebellion and disobedience will get you in this house is swift discipline.  I have to make them understand that they do NOT rule this household and they are not in charge.

10.  I need to be consistent.  If I punish one boy for being unkind I need to punish the other one, two minutes later for doing the same thing.  I need to make sure that I am disciplining blatant sin every time.  It seems excessive to correct the same thing over and over again, especially when you have a kid in the terrible two who just LOVES to say NO! to every command... but if I want him to learn it needs to be corrected, every time.  I'm not saying disciplined but corrected.  Silence is approval and I have to remember that when I just ignore his little rebellion, he puts another brick in the wall of 'this is ok behavior' that will just take more work to tear down with instruction later.  I have to fight my own laziness for my children's sake.  It is so much better for them to know the boundaries and to know the consequences when they cross those boundaries.  We've been trying to teach them that all action and attitudes have consequences, good actions produce good consequences and bad actions produce bad consequences.  Your consequences might not come right away but they will happen because we have a just God and that's how He designed it.

This is not an exhaustive list but just some things lately that I try to remind myself of and make a priority.
I'm sure there are a million things I could add to this list but for now, these are my struggles.
I need to stop focusing on myself and my comfort and focus on the task that the Lord has given me to do in raising my children.

Vale singing :)

Vale singing Jesus Loves Me at 1 year old! :)
He loves to sing and will make you do it again and again if you are willing!

Ignore the other terrible singing in... focus on the 1 year old ok! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Oh September...

 How to keep two boys occupied... shove them both in the same little tube...
ok they put themselves there... 

Vale is talking so much more now and his personality is just blossoming!
He loves to crack himself up and laugh at Connor.

His hair is still out of control...

He looks so cute in the over sized tshirt!!

Is it time for Steelers football yet?

He's so sweet...

So recently, Connor has been obsessed with the Caracal... and for those of you who have no idea what those are, as I did not when he first started pretending to be one... they are rare african cats that can jump like 15 feet high... who knew?!?!  Apparently my 3 year old knows! HA!

The proceeding sequence is his impression of a caracal.

Update on Baby Schafer!  He's doing well!!  We had our anatomy scan at the end of last month and he's doing great!  They did some high def photos of his kidneys and they look wonderful, which is a huge praise for right now!
He's right on track with a due date of 1/18/2014.

Mama on the other hand hasn't gained any weight but her belly is poppin out big time!  I've been fluctuating 2lbs down, 2lbs up... but staying about the same weight... doc doesn't seem concerned but I think it's weird!  I'm almost 22 weeks!

I started taking a class last week which was exciting!  I was happy to go back to school at least for a little something! :)