Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cowboy Connor

 Jimmy bought Connor some little plastic cap guns which Connor thinks are the greatest things since underoos... :)

On his trusty steed he will save the day!

Hats off to a job well done... 

Dressed in Sunday best, chompin' on a biscuit hot off the griddle... :)

Food won't slow down this quick draw... 

But he does get the occasional post kool-aid blues... notice the mustache... 

He has such an imagination!!! :) I love it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Rest of the East Coast Crawl...

 I wish we had more pictures of our visit to Wilmington but well... we don't...

We went to the beach during a rain storm which Connor thought was AWESOME!  Vale was a bit cold but he had fun too... :)

Then we met some friends at chick-fil-a but I only had clothes for one kid... so Vale got the shirt and Connor got the pants... not used to having redneck looking kids in public... but yeah it was all good! :)

We couldn't miss out on a chance to go to Nikki's and Boombalatti's!

Vale liked being at Grandma's house and looking at the fish!

Connor just loves to run in circles... :)

Then we went up to VA Beach and stayed for a couple nights with Nona!

We got to celebrate some birthday's too!!!  Uncle Chris and Super Chris share the same birthday!!  WHEWW WHOOO!!

Uncle Chris was turning the big '50'!  :)  He got off lucky... I was gonna make him wear a feather boa... :)

He wanted pineapple upside down cake!!  YUMMM!!!! :)

Vale was singing 'Happy ... to you!'  For the next week!  I think it's still his favorite song... he just kinda skips the birthday part... :)

The boys got rice crispy treats instead of cake... they were ok with that! :)

Rachel and her dad! :)

Vale wanted to be like Uncle Chris... :)

On the plane ride home Vale refused the sleep the whole first flight and then slept our entire 2 hour layover... sigh... I love children...

The boys cuddling on the plane :)

My boys entertaining an entire group of foreign junior highers... they didn't speak English but thought the boys were hilarious! :)

We made it home!!  WHEWW WHOOO!!!  Rough flights with restless boys but we made it!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grandpa Gregory's Faithful Servant Award

 We spent one of our evenings in Florida at my Grandfather Gregory's lifetime achievement ceremony in Orlando.

We all had dinner before hand and my studly men all wore suits... my hubby is so handsome... :)

We didn't get to sit with the guest of honor but after dinner Connor went and sat up on his lap... the pictures that follow are so funny!!

 What is that smell? 

PopPop was that you??

  Oh yeah... well I can do that too!!

 Vale didn't seem as bothered... he's just saying cheese!!!

 Kyle and Kimber were there too!

Kyle seems to be enjoying Grandpa's company! :)

 I'm not exactly sure why they are acting like they are in the military... but it's a guy thing right...??

Love this family picture just wish my dad was in it too! :)

We then went down to the conference where they honored Grandpa and gave him the Faithful Servant Award which was really cool!

 They introduced him and told stories about his beginnings with the association he worked with for like 30 years... He said he joined because he felt like he could be a member without having to compromise any of the things that he believed in. :)  Grandpa has always stood firm for what he believes.  He is a man who truly trusts and depends on God and what His Word says.

Grandma was honored with him since their ministry was done together.

They are still in love after over 50 years...

Then the award was presented.

 And grandpa stood to receive it, even though it took a lot of his strength to do.

He then said a couple of words and grandma did too...
(and we have a lovely view of Aunt Pat's hair-do...) :)

Then my Uncle Rick preached a message.  It was a very good night and I felt honored to be able to be there to witness this evening.

Disney World!!

 We got the wonderful privilege of going to Disney World with family while in Florida!
It was soo much fun!

The boys were mesmerized in it's a small world.

Taking it all in... 

 My cousin's daughter Kimber was very excited to see all the little people singing and dancing!

The boys looked super cool with their 3D glasses on... 

The flash made them look like cyborg glasses but that's ok... :)

He had so much fun on the merry-go-round!  Mommy was feeling a bit queezy so sat off to the side... 

Connor wanted to make sure I knew I was loved... :) so sweet!!!

Grandma might be having more fun then Vale... just maybe... :)  haha

There were fun things for the kids to do while we waited in line for the winnie the pooh ride.

Jimmy showing Vale how to work it... 

Then his older brother shoving him out of the way once he's gotten the hang of it... yup... sigh...

Connor kept making silly faces next to this statue in Belle's castle, where we ate lunch... he is a goofy kid sometimes... 

I love this look on Vale's face!!  I feel like I just broke some disturbing news to him... 'wait, what do you mean Mickey's not a REAL mouse...?!?!?!'

Vale shook his way through pirates of the Caribbean... he was a little startled by the drop in the pitch black... 

This is probably RIGHT before Kimber peed on her lap... fun times being a mom... :)

 Again, the whole pregnancy and going round and round in circles thing wasn't exactly mixin for me...
The four of them had fun though! :)

But we got a family photo on the stationary dumbo instead...  

The boys loved the cars, probably Connor's favorite this time around and Vale just about crashed mommy... so fun time was had by all! :)

Quick pic on the train ride across the park... 

This was the boys on the Jungle Safari ride... I think the oversized scary animals might have sparked Connor's imagination a little too much... :) 

The boys loved the parade and the fireworks!  No parade pictures... I had a kid on my shoulders the whole time...

Connor loved watching the fireworks with his grandma!  I think he's clapping for Tinkerbell here... :)

When you wish upon a staaarrrrr....! :)

We had such a fun but LONG day!!
We stayed at the Dolphin Disney Resort but we were so busy I didn't even get to look around... we didn't go to the pool or anything!  I wish we'd had more time on this trip... it was truly a wirlwind of activities!