Thursday, November 29, 2012

Decorating for Christmas!

 We went to a place down the road to pick out a Christmas Tree!
Connor had a great time running through the trees... poor kid is deprived of the forest by living in the concrete jungle of LA... :*(

 Vale was all too happy to be held by daddy!

 I have such a cute hubby! :) MWAH!

Connor watching 'santa clause' cut the bottom of the the tree trunk... :)

Pulled out all the lights and ornaments!  Vale was havin a blast!

'Having a blast' might not be the best descriptor for Jimmy's feelings... :) hahaha

 Connor's little personality lights up all our family events! :)

The boys wanted to help daddy!!!  It was so cute!

 Connor hanging 'his' ornament :)  he was pretty perplexed by the fact that the little kneeling boy in pj's who are suppose to be him, only has one leg.  He kept mentioning it. :)

He was so proud of himself!

The finished product!!

Ready for Christmas! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving with Family!

We had 21 here for the Thanksgiving holiday and it was GREAT!
My whole family plus some of Uncle Rick's family and my sister-in-laws parents!  It was crazy!

Here is my family at church on Sunday.

So here was our Thanksgiving Turkey! :)
Just kidding... :)  He's like ummm what are you doing guys??!!

 This kids hair is a trip!
"You wanna know how I got this hairstyle??  Pain, lots of trama and pain."

These three had a blast playing, giggling and making memories!  I love it! 

Connor had soccer practice on Friday morning so Brennan and Amelia went with him!  
It was soooo cute!

 So they got these fake mustaches as prizes... soooo funny!
Connor looks like Luigi!

... and Amelia looks like a Fair Indian Mario... :)

Oh yeah... they also got fake nasty teeth!

so gross... 

These two had a good time playing!!  Little giggle boxes... :)

These two also had fun!  Not so crazy but they were too cute!!

 I got some adorable pictures of Adelaide!  She is such a sweetheart!

 Vale was so happy with all of the commotion going on!  He was full time entertained!

Oh and we end with the little goofball... He's such a character.  I love this kid!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Oh the fun we have at our house!

We have lots of fun at our place... or chaos... there is such a fine line... :)

Jimmy's been hard at work with school and his job recently but is enjoying have Toby back to cuddle with...

 The boys love having their Uncle Trevor and Aunt Kati here!  I think they kinda like the boys too... :)

I gave Vale 1/4 of a chocolate chip cookie and turned around and found this. What a sweetie.

We went to Mountaisia on a rainy day and it was SO fun!!!
 The boys had a blast.

Connor played basketball like a champ.

 The boys raced with a little help from the men.

 Connor really loved all the games!

Connor loved the mini merry go round...

Vale, not so much...

 On the other hand Vale thought he'd died and gone to heaven with this game!! :)  I thought it was a bit of a visual overload but he was in love.

Connor loves to make up songs... all the time and about everything.  Sometimes they are to tunes he knows and changes words but sometimes they are to mono-syllabic one note original chants. :)  This morning he sang to me 'I love you a bushel and a peck, that's why you buckle me in the caaarrrr'  :)  A common mono-syllabic one is 'You are feed-ing me break-fest' over and over. yup.  He's no Hans Zimmer but he's getting there... :)

So I definitely have boys... Connor was sitting on the counter the other day and someone in the kitchen passed gas.  Connor's face lit up and he said 'I can do that too!!!', leaned over on one cheek and let one fly.  Lovely Connor. Lovely.

Connor was listening to our conversation in the car the other night and I said that Toby would die protecting our family.  Connor piped up and said 'Don't say that mommy!!! Don't say Toby will die!'  I told him that someday Toby will die but not for a very long time.  He said 'Like when Vale has a mustache?'  Yup Connor... that's a long time from now.  Love how his little mind works.

That same conversation Kati asked him if he was going to have a wife someday and he replied 'YIKES!!!' :)  Then shook his head yes. :)  (we pray for her already!!!)

Vale's First Year, Recap

 Pictures from Vale's first year.


 One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

Seven Months

Eight Months

Nine Months

Ten Months

Eleven Months

Twelve Months

 We love Vale very much and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!  He is a gift from God. :)