We are missing daddy big time!
The boys are changing so much everyday!
My sweet sloppy two year old! :)
Connor loves to run around!!! It's hard to keep him still actually...
In this picture he was playing tag/hid and seek with his cousins... having a blast!
Then his cousin Sam hid in the pantry... well Connor wanted him to stay in there so he grabbed the broom and did this... You can see the toes sticking out from under the door...
Connor is one smart cookie!! I have no idea where he saw this...
Yeah... your a little too clever for your own good...
Vale has had a rough time of it with the whole teething thing. He's now got two visible teeth.
He is a crawling fool! He is loving his mobility!
Vale is also loving standing up on his own and couch surfing. He's doing a great job!!!
His daddy's gonna be so proud when we get home! :)