Connor told Vale today, "I love you VERY much!" to which Vale responded with a giggle. :)
Vale's favorite thing to do is watch Connor run around. He just laughs and laughs at him!
Connor is very concerned about taking care of his 'brover' and I LOVE it!
Vale typically stops crying if Connor will lie next to him.
I was on a walk with the boys the other day and as we were on our way home BOTH boys were singing in their seats in the stroller... it was too cute!! A Mahon choir!
I was standing Vale up and holding his hands in the living room and Connor ran down the hall and yelled over his shoulder 'come on Vale!' :) It made me smile because sooner than later, Vale will be able to run right after him!
Connor is a NUT! He likes to tackle everything... we're teaching him not to in case you're worried...
He recently said, (what sounded like to me) 'I hate you'. I was CRUSHED! Come to find out he was saying 'I hold you' meaning he wants to hold me... sigh... I was so close to tears!
Connor LOVES Boz the Bear. They sing a song on their video that says, 'Gimmie gimmie gimmie my veggies please, VEGETABLES!' Connor loves to sing it and ate a whole pile of Broccoli the other night singing it! Yeah for Boz the Bear!!!
He likes to play peek-a-boo with Charity when she comes over on Friday nights.
His favorite lunch for now is 'noo-noo's and cheeze' (Mac and Cheese for those who need translation)
I put on the Bee movie on in French the other day and he watched it! I figure we'll get his little ears used to hearing it so it will be easier to teach him! :)
He likes to wiggle his fingers and chase after me yelling 'I'm gonna get you!' and then try and tickle me when he catches me... nice. :)
Connor is very active... all the time... so we are making him sit still while we read him a book that has a couple paragraphs of words on one side and pictures on the other. He's doing pretty well now but the first couple nights were a struggle... :)
He's still only wearing 18month clothes.
We were waiting in line at the post office to get Vale's passport the other day and the lady behind Connor asked him what a dog said. He said woof. She asked what a cat said, and he replied meow. He went through about 10 animals knowing all their sounds! I DIDN'T teach him that!! Someone obviously did but it wasn't me! Then, he proceeded to ask the lady, 'what does a dog say?' 'what does a cow say?' and so forth... it was really funny. He wanted to see if she knew them too!! :)
We were waiting in line at the post office to get Vale's passport the other day and the lady behind Connor asked him what a dog said. He said woof. She asked what a cat said, and he replied meow. He went through about 10 animals knowing all their sounds! I DIDN'T teach him that!! Someone obviously did but it wasn't me! Then, he proceeded to ask the lady, 'what does a dog say?' 'what does a cow say?' and so forth... it was really funny. He wanted to see if she knew them too!! :)
Vale keeps his paci in and will put it back in his mouth on his own.
He is sleeping 8 to 9 hours at night (Praise the Lord!)
He's rolling all over the floor, moving to toys he wants.
Vale is now wearing 9 month clothes... I can't afford two kids in the same size clothes so somethings gonna have to give soon... :)
He really likes to kick in his bouncy seat.
Vale watches movies with Connor... much more prone to TV eyes than Connor ever was.
The kids got some crazy hair... I wash it and brush it all down so cute and sweet... when it drys... POOF... baby chicken fuzz...
My boy still has his beautiful blue eyes!
He is a drool machine!!! I've found myself using bibs with him much more than Connor.
He's pretty content for the most part but still REALLY likes to be held and likes his mommy...
He rolls around in his crib a lot but likes to sleep on his belly with his paci.
It's so easy to put down at night. I put him in his crib on his back, awake, put in the pacifier and turn on his little baby music thingy that plays for 8 minutes and walk out... that's it... no crying. He goes right to sleep. 180 degree difference from Connor.
He is a drool machine!!! I've found myself using bibs with him much more than Connor.
He's pretty content for the most part but still REALLY likes to be held and likes his mommy...
He rolls around in his crib a lot but likes to sleep on his belly with his paci.
It's so easy to put down at night. I put him in his crib on his back, awake, put in the pacifier and turn on his little baby music thingy that plays for 8 minutes and walk out... that's it... no crying. He goes right to sleep. 180 degree difference from Connor.