Vale Carter
My sweet baby is growing so fast!
Vale's baby progress:
Vale likes to be moving all the time. #1 preference would be to be held, #2 in his swing, #3 bouncy seat and #4 when the car is moving in his car seat.
He's just started reacting a lot to us for a long period of time. He like to smile.
He looks like he's trying to talk to us and tell us something very important sometimes and it's adorable.
He mimics the sound of 'hi' quite frequently.
He's not as gassy as Connor was but want to have someone in the room at all times or be able to see me. So he likes to sit up on the counter and watch me cook.
He HATES his bumbo so far... you put him in it and after about 4 minutes he's screaming.
He's not much of a thumb sucker but does like his NUK paci and keeps it in quite well.
He's a little cubby baby and it's so cute!
He moves his arms and legs around all the time (about the same amount).
He's already about to move to size 2 diapers. We're finishing up the 1's we have and then it's on to 2's!
Connor James
I told him to show me his teeth and this is what I got! HAHA
I just wanna grab his little face and give him a hug kiss!
So new things in January about Connor:
He is now paci and bottle free!! The paci is for the baby and he helps make sure he has it.
He is talking so much for freely and communicating very well. He likes to tell mommy to 'go get it' when he wants something... sigh...
He still wears size 12 pants but has moved up to 18 months in shirts.
We measured him and he's now 32" tall.
He loves to play with other children and we are working on sharing at home. He's actually doing very well and gets excited when he gets an 'opportunity' to share.
He loves to play with baby Vale, even though Vale doesn't really play back... Connor will give him toys to just sit on his chest or will show him how a toy works.
He eats almost anything you put in front of him, with few exceptions.
He's doing well with potty training but it's going slow because mommy is not as consistent as she should be.
When you don't respond to him called for mommy or daddy he yells 'baaaabe! Hey babe!' :)
He likes going down the slide and climbs on everything!
He climbed INTO his high chair, up the side, the other day. Guess he was hungry...
He will sit and read (look at the pictures) by himself for an hour.
He likes to be the center of attention in a crowd.
He sings all the time. His favorite right now is 'The B.I.B.L.E.'
He's scared of the vaccuum and the garbage disposal.
That's prob not everything but most of the updates... :)
We love them dearly and are soooo blessed to have them in our lives.