So we took Connor to my Dr. appt today in his costume...
He was a Dinosaur!!! :)
He was a hit at the hospital! He made all the sick old people happy! :)
HAHA Oh my goodness! It looks like he's saying 'I didn't know dinosaurs could blow fire out THAT end... har har har' He already says 'NICEEEE' really loud if he burps or passes gas... sigh... no one taught him that... I swear.
Then we took him 'trick or treating' to three people we knew :) The Mortons, the Stiles and Rich and Michelle's.
Connor was a good little trick or treater!
It helps to have a very welcoming crowd... :)
Connor was loving taking the candy out of the black bucket and putting into his green bucket! They were very generous!
Then we went to the Morton's home and he was just as excited to take their candy! hahaha
Meredith was such a good sport! :)
We ended up at the Stiles home where we watched the football game and ate wings. :)
Connor was WIRED! Oh my goodness!!!! He was running around like a wild man! Figured we'd let him get it out before the baby gets here and have a night of sugary fun! :)
Still waiting on Vale and glad that he wasn't born on the 31st... the doctor's appt today went well. Doc said could be any time, 2cm dilated and having lots of brackston hicks and a couple sporadic 'real' contractions.