So I figured it was time to talk about Vale Carter Mahon.
I am due on November 4th 2011 but am hoping for an 11/11/11 baby!
We were just told yesterday that it is for SURE a boy so that's exciting!!!
Four weeks ago at the ultra sound the tech guessed that it was a boy but now we know!
Vale is Jimmy's Great Grandfather's middle name and Carter is my Great Grandmother's maiden name.
I know these are terrible scan jobs for the ultra sounds (and those were the very first ones...) but I just don't have time to do it right at the moment! :)
We are so excited that Connor will have a playmate so close to his age! They will be little bit more than 19 months apart.
Vale hasn't been as nice to his mommy as Connor was. Connor's was an easy breezy pregnancy but I've been pretty sick with Vale.
I figured out why I was throwing up... if I drank dark caffeinated beverages I would feel sick that night and throw up the next day. I can have mountain dew no problem. Chocolate, no problem... but Dr. Pepper, Coffee, Coke, etc and it's no bueno for me!
This child has also been good friends with my sciatic nerve... sometimes my right leg will just give out! HA... we are trying to stay safe through this little hiccup.
All that to say though, it will be well worth any discomfort and sickness to have another little one!!!

So neat little story...
There is a great OBGYN that most of the women as my church use and he goes to my church and is apparently a great guy.
For some reason, I didn't have any peace about going to him.
It was all little reasons that were buggin me, nothing huge but I just didn't have any peace!
So finally I decided to search elsewhere and did some research and the place I found that I liked was UCLA medical center.
I didn't really have a reason for going there but I had peace so I went there.
The doctor is nice, it's fine... probably no better than if I'd gone to the other doc.
WELL... when all this happened with Connor's kidneys I wanted to get him into another specialist before we left but it was more difficult than I thought.
I did some research and the UCLA medical center has some of the best pediatric kidney care in the country.
When I called for information I told them I was already a patient in their system and they said because I was already a patient they could just add Connor to my account and they didn't need a referral and there didn't have to be any waiting time.
Isn't that awesome! The Lord knew before hand that we would need to be set up as a family before hand at UCLA :)
Just thought I'd share! :)