Monday, April 28, 2014

Family Night!

Daddy's been super busy lately wrapping up the semester so we haven't seen a whole lot of him.
We had a family night before Easter and the boys loved it!!!

They had a whole list of things they wanted to do with daddy!
It's great cause they are toddlers so every even only lasts for like 5 minutes and they are completely content with that so you can do everything!

Connor wanted to play guitar with daddy...

Even though daddy doesn't really play guitar... they still had fun! :)

Then they played animals, went fishing, played with action figures and sword fought.

Then we colored eggs!!

They did a great job and had a lot of fun!!

To top off the night, we got in our PJ's and turned off all the lights, used glowsticks and played hide and go seek in the dark!

The teams were Mommy, Connor and Schafer (totally unfair for us cause S doesn't know how to be quiet...)

And Daddy and Vale.

They had so much fun.  They keep asking when we are going to do family night again! :)  I love having boys and FUN kids! :)

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