Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our little home happenings...

Here is a little of what goes on around our house...

Connor loves to read with daddy!

 One of Connor's favorite things to do is eat!

One of Vale's favorite things to do is sleep! :)

 Connor loves to play at the park on the swings

and he loves to climb on EVERYTHING!
(I found him the other day in his high chair and I had not put him there... he'd scaled the side of it and gotten in himself!!!! AH!)

My sweet baby Vale love to watch everything that's going on... such a darling little baby!

(he looks so much more chubby in pictures than he does in real life!)

Connor is putting together sentences now... little ones like 'mommy go get it' or 'I'm sorry' or the best one 'I love you'.  He says that last one, unprompted, all the time with a big hug and a kiss... it's amazing.  He said to me for the first time the other day, just out of the blue, 'I love daddy' :)  That makes a mommy's heart happy!  He is pretty much like any male, obsessed with food and football.  He calls anything that is sweet and cake-like, 'copy cake' (that's him trying to say coffee cake) and he asks for it all the time!

Vale has just started smiling back in reaction to us making ga ga and goo goo faces at him :)  He seems to be a very pensive child, and although very happy seems quite serious sometimes (unlike Connor who never seemed or seems to take anything seriously).

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