Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Endless energy

Connor got an umbrella and some rain boots and he loves them!

He's such a ball of energy!

Vale just watches... happy to be entertained.  Lately though he's been participating a lot more!

Connor has discovered the joy hiding places!!!  His favorites are under his bed and the kitchen cabinets!  He likes to close the door for a long time and them swing it open really fast and yell BOO!

We started a kindergarten workbook today and Connor loved it!!!
We used a word search yesterday and found all the A's which he did a very good job at!

We started with the A's... did a worksheet on that and he did great!
He pointed to the A's and I colored them.  He only messed up once when he confused the B on the bottom right with an A...
Then we traced one capital A and lower case a together, did the second one together, then he did it by himself and did a good job!!
I was so impressed!!!  Good job little guy!

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