Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18 Months Old

Connor went to his 18 month check up yesterday and here are his stats:
31" Tall (15 percentile)
21.4lbs for weight (3 percentile)
49.5cm head circumference (90 percentile)

The doctor said that although he is small, he's very healthy and we don't need to feed him any special food or anything just lots of fruits and veggies!

He said he is very advanced developmentally :)  He's a smart little bugger!

He had shots so he wasn't feeling all too peachy yesterday... he just wanted to cuddle in a blanket on the couch.  Notice father and son have the same expression as they watch football highlights on youtube... :)

Vale also had a doctor's appointment yesterday! 
(ok well maybe it was me that had the appt but hey...)
The doc said I was barely 1cm dilated but is hoping I come before my due date.
They are estimating the baby to be from 8 to 8 1/2 lbs.
I'm pretty sure the baby dropped last night but this pregnancy has been so different it's hard to tell.
Counting today, I am 18 days away from my due date.
He said they won't let me go over more than a week and a half so here's hoping baby comes on time.

I've been so tired with this pregnancy but have had an acute inability to sleep!
I don't remember being THIS uncomfortable at night when I went to bed before.
It's prob cause the baby is bigger.

1 comment:

The Hougham Family said...

yikes! If Connor's head is in the 90th percentile at 49 cm. I don't want to know what Brennan is in with a 51 cm. head when he's 6 months younger :)

Connor's so cute Courtney. I love all the pictures. can't wait to meet little Vale too. Maybe he'll come after the PKD walk from all the walking you'll do :)